About theMoghissi Laser Trust
Our mission: To make laser surgery and Photodynamic Therapy available to patients, particularly those with cancer, by promoting pre clinical and clinical research, clinical trials, and treatment of patients.
We specialise in:
- Laser surgery of the chest
- PDT for treatment of lung cancer both for palliation and with curative intent.
- Detection of early lung cancer
- PDT in oesophageal cancer
- Investigation of the role of PDT in some gynaecological and colo-rectal cancer.
- Head and neck cancer
- Financial contribution to the universities for PhD and MSc students in the field of lasers and PDT.

We’re on a mission to make laser surgery and Photodynamic Therapy available to patients, particularly those with cancer, by promoting pre clinical and clinical research, clinical trials, and treatment of patients.
Objectives and Activities
The objectives of the Trust remain to raise funds to enable research and education into the use of lasers for medical purposes. This includes a number of conditions, including cancer. The Trustees of The LTF are extremely grateful to the many donors who have supported our activities over the years; without their generous, and continuing, support our achievements would not have been possible.
Charitable Activities
Over past three years the Yorkshire Laser Centre (YLC), supported by The Trust, has undertaken treatment sessions in the lung, oesophagus, skin, haemorrhoidectomy, urology, peri-anal and gynaecology. Many of these treatments aim at cure of early cancers whilst others support quality of life in those patients with more advanced disease, Also, clinical staff have been funded to attend courses for training and development.
Plans of research are in place in the areas of:
- The early detection of Lung Cancer within the departments of Respiratory Medicine and Thoracic Surgery at CHH
- Antimicrobial Role of PDT in the Clinic
Recent publications include an article based on research -Image Guided Surgery and Therapy – and a book chapter – Therapeutic Bronchoscopy.
We need your help to continue our life saving research

You believe, as we do, that everyone deserves a future.